Gergely Sarreti
1984 Born, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
In my art practice, I put special emphasis on crossing conventional rules, expanding the boundaries of sculpture. In the center of my experiments and interest is usually balanced in the categories like new genre public art, site-specific installations, and interactive sculpture, which differ in their material and technical solution. My works are mostly based on the problem of high and low art, exposing the artwork to the ascertainment of design, kitsch, or the traditional fine art phenomenon.
Budapest Art Mentor Program
University of Pécs Faculty of Music and Visual Arts Doctoral School, Sculpture department
Supervisor: Tamás Gaál
University of Hertfordshire School of Creative Arts, Hatfield, United Kingdom
Supervisors: Alison Dalwood, Patricia A. Simpson
University of Pécs Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, Sculpture department
Tutors: Tamás Gaál, József Palotás
Nyíregyháza Arts High School, Nyíregyháza
LAND, w/Gergely Gyula Vainel, iF Café Jazz Club, Budapest
Poliszémia, Pál Gyula Terem, Nyíregyháza
Dvojni vidiki (Double aspects), National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Untitled (Colorful stairs), w/ Krisztina Ficzere, Szentendre
Needful Things, Simmons Bakery, Hatfield, United Kingdom
38, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc
Balatonalmádi, the Town of Colorful Steps (VEB 2023), Balatonalmádi
27th Exhibition of Artist’s Colony of Szeged, Grand Café, Szeged
Tájművészet – Hagyj kreatív lábnyomot, Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, Budapest
Természetes / Natürlich, w/ Hadron Művészeti Egyesület, Pál Gyula Terem, Nyíregyháza
In Between / Pomiędzy, Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych, Rzeszów, Poland
Art Circle Slovenia, Dobrovo, Slovenia
Felfedezők 4.0 / Explorers 4.0, Képező közösségi tér / art-to-go, Budapest
Sul margine d’una passione, Accademia d’Ungheria in Roma, Rome, Italy
Dopo di Roma (After Rome), Klebelsberg Cultural Centre, Budapest
Artists for Change, w/ Hadron Art Association, online event, Nyíregyháza
Artists for change, w/ Hadron Art Association, Sóstó Open Air Museum, Nyíregyháza
Before Rome – After Rome, Klebelsberg Cultural Centre, Budapest
Smog, w/ Hadron Art Association, Pál Gyula Hall, Nyíregyháza
Priateľstvo – Barátság – Przyjaźń, Galéria Caraffka, Prešov, Slovakia
ÉrTEM Artist Residency and Symposium, Gömörszőlős
Seven doors, w/ Hadron Art Association, Artikon Gallery, Nyíregyháza
Bartók 100, w/ Hadron Art Association, Torony Galéria, Sopron
Autumn Exhibition of Szabolcs County, City Gallery, Nyíregyháza
YG Art Fair/Godot pop-up, Zsilip, Budapest
Cubus ’56, w/ Hadron Art Association, Móricz Zsigmond County and City Library, Nyíregyháza
A beton arcai, Nick Gallery, Pécs
Interconnection, Daegu Culture and Arts Center, Daegu, South Korea
Trans, w/ Hadron Art Association, Pál Gyula Hall, Nyíregyháza
3rd Zsolnay Festival, Pécs
DLA 2014, Pécs Gallery, Pécs
ZOOM, Exhibition of Masterworks, Nádor Gallery, Pécs
Budapest Art Expo FRISS, ArtMill, Szentendre
2nd Zsolnay Festival, Pécs
DLA 2013, Nádor Gallery, Pécs
Exhibition of the Doctoral (DLA) Students, Pécs Gallery, Pécs
DLA Festival, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, Pécs
Diploma Exhibition, Hattyúház Gallery, Pécs
Ördögkatlan Festival, Palkonya
3rd National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference, Városi Képtár, Pécs
Exhibition of Artist Camp, Sellyei Művelődési Központ, Sellye
Csak mostanság, Pécs 2010 Management Centre, Pécs
Graphic Pop, Cafe Frei, Nyíregyháza
ErdMŰVészet, Sóstó Forest, Nyíregyháza
Botanic Art, János Tuzson Botanical Garden, Nyíregyháza
Graphicall, Korona Hotel, Nyíregyháza
National Cultural Fund of Hungary, artist fund (NKA)
National Cultural Fund of Hungary, artist fund (NKA)
Accademia d’Ungheria in Roma
Campus Hungary One Semester Study Program, Hatfield, United Kingdom
University of Pécs Faculty of Music and Visual Arts Doctoral School
Art Circle Slovenia, Dornberk, Vipava Valley, Slovenia
100 Sparks Artweek, Ipolytarnóc
Ecology, Society, Art – Roundtable discussion, Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Budapest
ÉrTEM Artist Residency and Symposium, Gömörszőlős
Yoko Ono: Wish Tree, Garden/Art – conference, Art Capital, Ferenczy Museum Center, Szentendre
Lili, Boros (2023. June 6). Poliszémia. Országút.
„Because nature nurture”, Land art kezdeményezések a Székelyföldön; Intertwined/Összefonódás (Balkon 2014_10, pp. 25-28) pdf
London Art Fair (Balkon 2014_03, pp. 40-41) pdf
Faye Toogood: The Conductor (Balkon 2013_11, 12, pp. 42-44) pdf
A társadalmat átalakító művészet; Cittadellarte. Teilen und verändern (Balkon 2013_01, pp. 14-19) pdf
A néző részvételére épülő gyakorlat; Orosz Klára: Pixelbuborék (Balkon 2012_05, pp. 41-43) pdf
A zenész, aki ott sem volt; 2 Dal 1 Vég – Németh Hajnal munkái 2003-2010 (Balkon 2010_11, 12, pp. 18-20) pdf
Playing the Building – épület mint hangszer; Anne Pasternak, a Playing the Bulding kurátora beszélget David Byrne-vel az installációval kapcsolatos gondolatairól és más műveiről (Balkon 2010_05, pp. 5-9) pdf